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We provide Professional Website Design And a Customized Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Strategy that will get your business to the top of Local Google Searches - Bringing you more business!
The key to really taking over in your niche in YOUR area is complete Web Development from our expert team. This is more than just creating a great Website, but rather about making sure your Website - and your entire Online presence - work cohesively to create Sales Leads.
Our Strategy is tried and true, and we've taken businesses to the first page of Google for relevant search terms for their business, developed great ad campaigns on Facebook and Google, and created Websites that funnel those new potential customers directly to you.
When creating your Funeral Home web design, we make sure the first thing we do is make it visible to the people who are looking for your services. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process by which we make your business friendly to the most popular search engines.
With our system of creating designs and content that boost your ranking on Google and other search engines, we bring new eyes to your Website right away.
In addition to using Website development to increase the visibility of your site, we also make sure your Website is conducive to getting Sales Leads. For starters, we create mobile-friendly web designs, because so much of the market right now is determined by people searching on their smartphones.
Additionally, we use analytics, click-to-call buttons, and contact forms to gather information and get you directly in touch with the people who need your product or service.
When we combine these methods, you'll see the number of Sales Leads for your business shoot through the roof. Calls are coming in, contact information is coming in for you to directly respond to, and your business is now easier than ever to find Online.
Yes, there's a reason that sentence is in all CAPS ... because it's that important for you to understand that if your Website isn't bringing you PAYING customers routinely, then it's time to fix that!
One of the most useful tools in business these days is the Internet. However, many businesses don’t know exactly how to approach their online presence to create sales leads that convert into dollars.
That’s where Ashton James Marketing comes in. Our strategy for web design is not to convince you that a flashy Website will fix all your problems, but rather show you how an intentional Web Development plan creates revenue.
Putting together a specific Funeral Home website that utilizes data - and an in depth understanding of the search engine algorithms - allows us to bring your business to the audience looking for your goods and services.
Utilizing the best SEO practices, creating a mobile friendly design, and making sure your site is designed to drive people people to contact your business is crucial.
Time is crucial! Allowing customers the opportunity to see and contact your business conveniently is the first big step towards building up your audience and increasing sales.
Obviously, we put a lot of time and
effort into making your web design look professional and up-to-date, but the biggest impact that we make for your business is generating leads for you to convert into sales.
And Turn It Into A 24/7 Lead-Generating Machine!
What does it mean to have a Website that's really working for you?
It means the way we create your Website and curate your entire online presence is designed to get real sales results.
This is something Ashton James Marketing has perfected to a science, and we know exactly what it takes to boost your online presence, as well as give you access to new potential customers.
The people who need what your business brings to the table are out there looking for the goods and services you offer right now.
They're using Google, Facebook, and other online tools to make their decisions about where to spend their money.
With our Website Design services, you can guarantee those people in need of your services not only find you, but have an easy way to contact you.
Find Out Why Your Site Isn't Bringing You New Business.
Request a FREE SEO Audit of your Website.
We'll send you a short customized video comparing your website against the business listed at the top of your local Google search - and why they are outranking you, and exactly what you need to do to fix that and take over that top spot of very valuable "digital real estate"
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